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AnyConnect Design and Configuration for Cisco ASA

AnyConnect Design and Configuration for Cisco ASA

I am a big fan of building a separate layer for VPN client services kinda like what we used to do with the old school VPN concentrators.  To accomplish this I like to use the ASAv…it’s inexpensive and easy to manage. Check out my videos, configuration and links below to learn more.  As always let me know if you have any questions.

Anyconnect + ASAv Design- learn about vpn client design on the ASAv.

ASAv AnyConnect Configuration–  learn how to configure AnyConnect on ASAv .

Meraki MX Perimeter Firewall + ASAv VPN Concentrator-  In my above videos, I recommend leveraging a separate firewall for VPN client services. You can present your VPN concentrator to the public in a few different ways like one to one nat, port forwarding, etc. In my lab I configured port forwarding (443) to my ASAv. Check out the below video to learn how to configure the MX for this use case.

ASAv Configuration Template

#######################Interface Configuration################
#OUTSIDE configuration
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
nameif OUTSIDE
security-level 0
ip address
no shut

#Inside interface configuration
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
nameif INSIDE
security-level 100
ip address
no shut

hostname ASAv-VPN
username admin password cisco123
enable password cisco123

########################SSH and Routing##################################

#Setup ssh access
crypto key generate rsa modulus 4096

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
ssh version 2
#Setup routing configuration
route inside
route inside
route outside

#################VPN CLIENT CONFIGURATION############################

#Copy VPN client package to ASA
copy tftp disk0:anyconnect-win-4.4.01054-webdeploy-k9.pkg

#setup default route for VPN clients, I do not have split tunnel configured for my lab
route inside tunneled
#Anyconnect network object
object network VPN_CLIENT_VLAN30

#Anyconnect VPN client DHCP – you could use your own DHCP server
ip local pool VPN_CLIENT_VLAN30_POOL 192.168.X.50-192.168.X.70 mask
#######################ENABLE SSL VPN#######################################
#enable anyconnect webvpn
enable outside
tunnel-group-list enable
anyconnect enable
#image for anyconnect – part of webvpn
anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-4.4.01054-webdeploy-k9.pkg

#################GROUP POLICY##############################################
#group-policy configuration – define VPN attributes (DNS server, domain name etc.)
group-policy GP_VPN internal
group-policy GP_VPN attributes
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
#DNS server configuration for client, note using my internal Umbrella Virtual Server
dns-server value X.X.X.X
default-domain value ccietim.com

#sub group policy – split tunnel (If split)
#split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
#split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
############TUNNEL GROUP##############################
#create tunnel group – Core of VPN configuration, define GP, address pool, etc.
#Pre login requirements connection protocol, aaa authentication etc.
Finally we should create a tunnel group:

tunnel-group VPN_PROFILE type remote-access
tunnel-group VPN_PROFILE general-attributes
default-group-policy GP_VPN
address-pool VPN_CLIENT_VLAN30_POOL

tunnel-group VPN_PROFILE webvpn-attributes
group-alias VPN_PROFILE enable


#NAT exception even if not enable
nat (inside,outside) 2 source static any any destination static VPN_CLIENT_VLAN30 VPN_CLIENT_VLAN30 no-proxy-arp route-lookup
#####################Filtering, if controlling access to what VPN clients can access##################
#access-list vpn-filter permit tcp eq 22

#group-policy VPN-POLICY attributes
#vpn-filter value VPN-FILTER





Use Meraki API to update Umbrella of Public IP change

For clients on-prem, Cisco Umbrella applies protection and reporting based on your public IP address. In a Meraki world, if your public IP changes there is no built-in way for Meraki to update Umbrella. To solve this, I found a really cool python script on GitHub. https://github.com/meraki/dns-o-matic

With this script, you can query your Meraki network for active public IP addresses(via the API). Next, the IP address data is imported to a free cloud service called DNS-O-Matic(https://www.dnsomatic.com/).  DNS-O-Matic will then notify Cisco Umbrella of any public IP address changes.

This python script is relatively simple to run, a few things to call out…

1.Your password for DNS-O-Matic must end in a letter or number

2.Your Meraki username must have API access to all organization association with the account.

Check out my video below to learn more and see the script in action.

Skip the overview and learn how make it happen

How to Deploy FMC/FTD part 2 – Access Control Policies

To finalize configuration and actually pass traffic through the FTD appliance,  an access control policy is needed.  This would be similar to an access control list that is applied to an ASA…in the Cisco world.

Access Control Policy is a policy that pulls together rule sets for L3/L4,L7(Application), URL filtering, IPS/IDS, File/AMP (Advanced Malware Protection).  This is one of my favorite aspects of FMC, you can create a single policy and apply it to one or multiple devices.  When making a policy change, it is pushed to all associated devices.  The days of managing each device individually are over 🙂

Cisco’s definition…

“Access control is a hierarchical policy-based feature that allows you to specify, inspect, and log (non-fast-pathed) network traffic. Especially useful in multidomain deployments, you can nest access control policies, where each policy inherits the rules and settings from an ancestor (or base) policy. You can enforce this inheritance, or allow lower-level policies to override their ancestors. Each managed device can be targeted by one access control policy”

Access Control Policy Configuration

In the following videos you will learn how to setup the different components that make up an access control policy. We will build out different rules sets and tie them back to a single Access Control Policy.

*Before we start on access policy, please check out the following note on object management.*

Reusable Objects-  You will see in the following videos a reference to a DNS object. An object is simply a pointer or hostname description for a network, host etc. Create these by going to Objects->Object Management.

Access Control Policy( L3/L4 rules) – This video highlights configuration of L3/L4 firewall rules by blocking ICMP traffic.

Access Control Policy (Application rules) – In this video you will see how to configure application based firewall rules.

Access Control Policy (URL Filtering rules)– This video shows how to configure URL Filtering.

Access Control Policy (File Policy/AMP) –   This video shows how to configure a policy to block malware . Use the file policy to permit/deny certain file types and/or detect/prevent malicious files(Malware).

Access Control Policy (IPS Policy) –  In this video learn how to configure a balanced IPS policy.


Now that we have covered ACP, I wanted to share a cool optional policy that can reduce overhead and increase performance on FTD.

PreFilter Policy – Have you ever run into that traffic that doesn’t need advanced inspection? A few examples could be VPN tunnels, encrypted traffic(that your not decrypting) and blocking IPs/networks.

To implement, create a PreFilter policy and associate it to the an ACP.

Per Cisco.com “Prefiltering is the first phase of access control, before the system performs more resource-intensive evaluation. Prefilter policies deployed to managed devices use limited outer-header criteria to quickly handle traffic.

Contrasted with the rest of access control, which uses inner headers and has more robust inspection capabilities, prefiltering is simple, fast, and early.

Configure prefiltering if you want to:

  • Improve performance— The sooner you exclude traffic that does not require inspection, the better. You can fastpath or block certain types of plaintext, passthrough tunnels based on their outer encapsulation headers, without inspecting their encapsulated connections. You can also fastpath or block any other connections that benefit from early handling.
  • Tailor deep inspection to encapsulated traffic—You can rezone certain types of tunnels, so that you can later handle their encapsulated connections using the same inspection criteria. Rezoning is necessary because after prefiltering, access control uses inner headers.” (Cisco.com- see exact link below)



I hope you have found these blog posts helpful. I will continue to update my page with more details on FirePOWER. Please post any questions or comments in comments section below.

How to Deploy FirePOWER Management Center and FirePOWER Threat Defense – Part 1

Looking for instructions on how-to deploy FirePOWER Management Center(FMC) and FirePOWER Threat Defense(FTD)?  Then you have come to the right place!  The following blog post/videos will walk through a start to finish vFMC and vFTD perimeter deployment (many of these principles can apply to physical deployments).  If you are not familiar with FMC/FTD check out my previous blog post.

Before you get started…I want to send a shout out to Jason Maynard Cisco Security CSE in Canada, he created the videos below…. Check out his other content here.

Feel free to use the comments section for questions or feedback! Let’s get started!

  1. FirePOWER management/FTD appliance  – VMware Deployment  –  This video shows the initial steps in deploying vFMC and vFTD.



2. vFTD initial configuration  This video outlines configuration of vFTD interfaces and FMC management ip address (pointer to FMC responsible for managing the FTD appliance).

There is a two step process to manage FTD from FMC.

  1. “configure manager [IP of FMC] [key]” -Via CLI on the FTD appliance, point FTD appliance to FMC  (note the password, you will need it in the next step)
  2. Add device – via GUI on FMC (see step 3)



3. vFMC initial configuration/register vFTD appliance –  learn how to apply vFMC management ip address settings, licensing, etc.



4. FTD interface configuration  –  The following video shows the configuration of FTD routed interfaces.  See the link below to learn more interface configuration options.



5. (Optional) Setup TAP interface (i.e. connect to span port)-  A potential use case for this configuration is a branch site where I may want to span my internal data vlan(capture east/west traffic) and send it to my FTD appliance.  The FTD appliance will then inspect traffic in/out(routed) and east/west(passive interface).


6. FTD Routing Configuration (Static/Dynamic Routing)-  This video details inbound/outbound routing configuration.



7. FTD NAT/PAT Configuration  –  The video highlights PAT (Port Address translation) configuration.  PAT is typically used when there are many internal devices that need to share one public IP address .  See the link below to learn more about NAT/PAT and configuration options.



8. FTD DHCP Server Configuration – This video shows how to setup a DHCP server for an inside network behind  a FTD firewall.  This configuration is typically used in a branch site or lab where a DHCP server is unavailable.  Check out the link below to learn how to redirect DHCP/DNS request to a remote DHCP server.



9. FTD Platform Policy -When deploying network devices it is usually a best practice to configure management, time, access control settings etc.  The following video highlights how to configure ( ssh access, icmp,smtp, snmp,syslog, time synchronization, timeouts etc. )

With FMC, there is the option to create a single policy and role it out to one or many devices.  In my opinion, this greatly simplifies configuration.

Ok we are almost there….before actually routing traffic through the FTD appliance an Access Control Policy must first be created.  This policy pulls together rule sets for L3/L4,L7(Application), URL filtering, IPS/IDS , and File/AMP (Advanced Malware Protection).

Before we jump into ACP configuration…Take a break, grab some coffee, and see you over in my next blog post!

Additional Links

Cisco Next Gen Firewall (FTD) – provide Killer Security on a single image!

In talking to my customers, many are unaware of the new FTD (Full Threat Defense) options/image.  I thought I would do a quick write up on FTD.  Cisco now offers the ability to run the next generation firewall engine(FirePOWER) natively on your X series ASA with the FTD image.


When Cisco acquired SourceFire they brought in SourceFire’s Next Generation security platform FirePOWER that included Layer 7 firewall, URL Filtering, AMP (Advanced Malware Protection) and IPS/IDS.  In my opinion, Cisco had L3/L4 and VPN mastered on the ASA but had some catching up to do in the next gen feature space.  Personally, being both a customer of Sourcefire and Cisco, I was ecstatic when I saw the news on Twitter. SourceFire provided me deep security visibility and alerted me on what mattered with very little man power needed.

Initially Cisco offered the ability to run FirePOWER code set on top of the ASA like a VM. You could create rules in the ASA code to choose what traffic you wanted to send over to FirePOWER.  So, to manage the ASA, you would use tools like CLI, ASDM, and CSM. To manage the FirePOWER component, you would leverage FirePower Management Center (Formerly known as Defense Center).

To simplify the stack, Cisco worked to combine features from ASA and FirePOWER together in a single code FTD.  With the introduction of the FTD code you can run a single OS on your ASA-X firewall or leverage one of the new FTD appliances.  In addition, Cisco announced several new FTD firewalls. (Note: FTD boxes can only run the FTD code or ASA code not both.)

To be fair, there are a few caveats to what is supported on FTD….not all features have been moved over from ASA to FTD.  The biggest feature (for my customers)  not yet supported on FTD is AnyConnect VPN, however, site to site is supported. Cisco is working diligently to add new features.  (Check release notes for more info)

FirePower Mangement

FirePower Management Center (virtual or physical)– This is the tool used to monitor/manage ALL FirePOWER appliance.  I will put together future post on FMC, but it is way more than just a pretty management tool.

ASDM FirePower plugin(FMC Light) – this is for small business and customers who only have a single firewall typically (ie 5506-X).  You can manage FirePower policy and gain high level visibility from this plugin. (More Details)

FirePower Implementation options

  • ASA + FirePOWER – manage ASA code and FirePOWER separately (supported on most ASA 5500-X) For the 5585-X you run FirePOWER on a separate blade.
  • FTD on ASA – single image that can be consumed on most ASA 5500-X boxes
  • FTD Firewall- Along with the announcement of the FTD code/image, Cisco announced several new FTD firewalls. The FTD boxes can only run the FTD code or ASA code not both.
  • vFTD – You can run FTD virtually, this is perfect for datacenters, remote offices where you want to FTD on your router, the cloud(ie AWS) or my favorite lab.

Useful links

(Image curiosity of cisco.com)

OpenDNS…more than just a home internet filter

When Cisco first acquired OpenDNS I was indifferent.  I perceived their service to be free content filtering for home and SMB.  After hearing all the buzz, from co-workers, security market, customers etc. I knew there had to be more to OpenDNS.

I learned that it provides an advanced cloud security platform called Umbrella.  Umbrella can be used to protect any user or any device, from anywhere,  it doesn’t matter if I am sitting in Starbucks or on the corporate network.  If you give me a little room here…I like to classify OpenDNS Umbrella as a cloud firewall/gateway that can be used to prevent attacks before it hit your users or network.

The Umbrella Data Sheet states that with Umbrella you can:

  • “Reduce malware infections up to 98%”
  • “Cut the number of alerts from your IPS, AV, and SIEM by as much as 50%”
  • “Decrease remediation time by 20%”

Umbrella in action:

Take for example, I open my email and receive a message from USPSS (which looks like USPS), the title states “check the status of your package.” Knowing that Christmas is coming, I get excited thinking one of my friends sent me a gift.  Little do I know the link within my email takes me to a false page, USPSS look alike page, and in the background my computer is reaching out to a known malicious ransomware domain.

If I was using a traditional DNS service, like Google,  it wouldn’t block the lookup to the ransomware domain, instead it would provide the ip address for the ransomware domain.


OpenDNS umbrella will block the DNS request for the  malicious domain, stopping the attack before it hits my client or network.


OpenDNS has over 65 million users and roughly 80 billion internet request daily.  OpenDNS builds security intelligence from internet data, big data analytics, machine learning, and super smart security engineers.  With this threat intel, OpenDNS can understand which domains are malicious and block the attack via DNS before it hits your network.




Umbrella components

1.Cloud Management – Umbrella provides a cloud dashboard…much like Meraki.  In this dashboard you can control and manage your security policies and gain visibility into your network traffic. “Umbrella provides visibility into internet activity across all devices, over all ports, even when users are off your corporate network. You can even retain the logs forever.” https://umbrella.cisco.com/products/features

2.Umbrella network protection- To protect your devices on your corporate network simply redirect your external DNS request to OpenDNS.  “To switch to Umbrella, you need to explicitly change the DNS settings in your operating system or hardware firewall/router to use IP addresses of the Umbrella name servers and turn off the automatic DNS servers provided by your ISP.”

3.Umbrella Client- To protect your clients off net, you can leverage a lightweight umbrella roaming client.  There is even a plugin for AnyConnect VPN, if you are disconnected from VPN your traffic will be protected by OpenDNS.

With Umbrella roaming client, you can also protect IP based traffic.  “Alternatively, OpenDNS’s IP layer enforcement provides protection over any port, and from any location through the use of the OpenDNS Roaming Client, an endpoint client that acts as a DNS request forwarder.”https://blog.opendns.com/2015/11/03/opendns-adds-ip-layer-enforcement-umbrella/

More Details AnyConnect Umbrella  client 

More Detail Umbrella Roaming client

OpenDNS Umbrella is very different from traditional proxy type services.  It  provides protection across all ports (not just 80/443) without proxying all your traffic to an on-prem device or somewhere in the cloud. “Instead of proxying all requests, Umbrella selectively routes suspicious URLs for deeper inspection. Effectively protect without delay or performance impact.” https://umbrella.cisco.com/products/features/intelligent-proxy

OpenDNS is not a silver bullet but it dramatically can increase security.  To me, that is very powerful.  The increased security helps to take the load off my firewall,  it adds an extra layer of  protection to any device anywhere and  gain visibility into network traffic.

Stay tuned for my future posts on security and OpenDNS.

Windows 10 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Good read from Cisco Talos on a recent Windows 10 Vulnerability. If you have Windows 10 make sure you apply the following security update.

“An attacker can craft a malicious portable executable file, which if accessed causes AHCACHE.SYS to attempt to access out of scope memory. This triggers a bugcheck in the Windows kernel causing the system to crash, denying service to the user.”

“Microsoft patched this vulnerability in security update 3178467 as described in Security Bulletin MS16-110. Talos has released rules that detect attempts to exploit this vulnerability to protect our customers.”








Optimize Internet Performance with OpenDNS

When looking at internet performance one critical component that can be overlooked is DNS.  It doesn’t matter how fast the internet pipe is, if you have slow DNS service it can impact overall performance.

I am a big user of Waze and before I get in my car I will plug in my destination, then Waze provides me with the fastest route. Think of OpenDNS as the Waze of the internet. They can ensure you take the most efficient path to OpenDNS services. This will ultimately provide a quicker DNS lookup and better end user experience.

If you want to go to google.com, you don’t have the ip addresses for Google memorized. Your device will call out to a DNS service and request the ip address for Google, and  from there, your host will communicate directly via IP.

I did a quick test on networkworld.com.  When I pulled up networkworld.com my host sent out 311 DNS request to OpenDNS. Most webpages have multiple objects, image, etc. and each one is typically tied to domain name.  Can you imagine the end user experience if you have slow DNS service?


OpenDNS has plugins with over 500 of the largest ISPs in the world and service integration with global CDNs (content delivery networks).                       OpenDNS is rated as the fastest DNS services in North America, and one of the fastest globally.


OpenDNS has plugins with over 500 of the largest ISPs in the world and service integration with global CDNs (content delivery networks)

“So now a user in Austin, Texas who types in the URL for a YouTube video will share part of his IP address as part of the DNS request. That way, the domain name system server can route the request to a Google data center in Dallas, as opposed to one in Ireland. This can substantially speed up access to content, which is what people hire Akamai for in the first place.”

Speeding up your DNS with OpenDNS is free.


Want to learn more about OpenDNS? More posts to come!

(site image from opendns.com)

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